Why choose GELCS?
GELCS is an English degree that breaks free from the limits of period and geography, studying English literature and culture as a global phenomenon. By teaching literary and cultural studies we explore diverse perspectives, so you understand both elite and popular forms. This is an English degree like no other. We are proud to offer you this innovative programme and look forward to welcoming you into our community.
What the student will get?
- Understand global cultural trends
- Think about the future of English
- Digital Humanities
- Digital literacy
- Innovative approaches to literature and culture
- Understand 21st Century Critical Issues
What the community will get?
- Green-minded graduates
- Global perspectives and diversity
- Digitally literate graduates
- Innovative solutions to human crises/social problems/cultural issues
Who are our students?
- English teachers
- Businesspeople
- Aspiring researchers
- Creatives and designers
- Lovers of literature and culture
Programme Director's Message

Whether you are an undergraduate looking to take the next step in your studies, a professional wanting to improve your English, or simply want to learn more about English literature and culture, GELCS has something for you. Before entering academia, I worked as a teacher of English and Film Studies in an international school. The global orientation and rigour of its diploma programme encouraged me to return to research and provided inspiration for the creation of this programme. GELCS also provides foundations for excellent international English teaching.
We aim to expand your horizons by sharing our passions. Our research ranges from traditional literary criticism and cultural studies to the digital humanities and ecocriticism. We bring this expertise into the classroom, so that you as students can join our explorations of these new frontiers. Teaching and assessment in GELCS ranges across forms new and traditional, including film, theatre, digital media, poetry, and prose.
GELCS is cutting edge. Since our inception we have delivered modules that were ahead of the curve, including a module on AI that launched before the first GPT came to market. As the programme grows, we develop courses that speak to the innovation and the grand challenges of our times, in exciting fields such as the Digital, Environmental and Medical Humanities. We study literature and culture that has demonstrably changed the world and continues to do so today.
To communicate effectively involves more than words. We must make connections. GELCS teaches you to “speak global” by studying literature and culture. We learn how great works of art and popular culture convey ideas and emotions, and this makes our communication more effective. Whether your goal is to improve your knowledge of the diversity of English language and culture, or to pursue a love of art for art’s sake, we will help you find your passion and deepen your understanding.
Dr Jay Parker
Programme Director, Master of Arts in Global English Literary and Cultural Studies